Gain insights into how your ad campaign is performing with live, up-to-the-minute analytics.
Each user gets a personalized reporting dashboard that displays the following metrics in real-tim...
The CTR (click-through-rate) represents the percentage of listeners who clicked on a display bann...
LTR (listen through rate) represents the share of audio ads that are played entirely out of all ads that started playing
Yes, you sure can! To download your AudioGO campaign reporting into a sleek PDF file, simply hit ...
Total clicks is an aggregate value of the number of clicks all your banner ads have cumulatively recorded as part of your campaign
In your Campaign Report page is a graphical view of your ad's impressio...
To download reports data as CSV, simply click the download icon next to each report title on your reporting dashboard
In order to create a scheduled report, please visit the 'Reporting' tab in the top navbar menu &g...
When creating a scheduled report you can select between the following options: ...
Be sure to check the campaign period and select your report data interval to be the included in t...
The genre and behavioral targeting breakdowns are only available for campaigns that have used thi...
Unfortunately for some users we can’t identify the exact corresponding zip code. In this case, al...
Aside from the regular reports in your campaign dashboard, our advanced ‘Reporting’ tab has even ...
Because we host a number of different music streaming and
Because we host a number of different
We extended the lookback window to one year, enabling you to analyze historical campaign data up ...
It displays your campaign’s distribution of ad plays across the top 10 podcast shows.
Podcast shows not included in the top 10 are grouped under the 'Others' category. Should you want...
‘Unknown’ is the category that encompasses all the shows for which publishers haven't offered tra...
In Advanced reporting you can generate a report and add the new Ad dimension as ...
Getting started with AudioGO!
Start creating audio campaigns in minutes by following a few simple steps
Straightforward billing and payment for your audio campaign
Audience Targeting with AudioGO
Don't have an audio ad? We can create one for you
Audio Campaign Management - AudioGO
User management - AudioGO
Conversion Tracking with AudioGO Pixel
One Dashboard to Power them All
Run ads on top podcast shows with AudioGO