Learn how nonprofit organizations stay close to the people and places they serve with AudioGO.
Digital Audio's monthly reach of Americans ages 25 to 54
Edison Research, The Infinite Dial 2023Average hours Americans spend streaming audio everyday
Edison Research Share of Ear Study, Q2 2023Unique monthly listeners in AudioGO’s publisher network
Internally reported figuresAdvertise your nonprofit in 3 simple steps, and in under 5 minutes
With minimums as low as $250 - and professionally made audio ads going for just $10 - it’s never been more affordable to promote your cause on the country’s most popular streaming apps.
We're a volunteer-based organization, so we rely heavily on the support of our community. We've explored other types of local marketing services in the past, but AudioGO suits us best by giving us an affordable option to reach the families and neighborhoods who need to hear from us the most.
SARAH MEYERS, POMEROY PARTNERS FOR HEALTHY FAMILIESSpread the word about PSA’s, programs, or fundraising events - and target the audience for your ad by age, gender, location, language, and genre.
I am new to AudioGO, but this system has been very easy to use. I was able to create and start a new campaign in less than 10 minutes all on my own. Their blog and FAQs offered valuable suggestions to make my campaign even more successful. I look forward to using AudioGO well into the future.
SUSAN MCKENNA, HOPEFUL BEGINNINGSFind supporters and clients wherever they're listening - by state, county, city, and even on down to the very neighborhood with zip code targeting - for 1:1 personalized messaging.
AudioGO is an easy and effective way for our non-profit to advertise job openings and volunteer opportunities. We love that we can target certain demographics and locations, and then track them after the campaign has finished. Definitely recommend advertising with AudioGO, it's superb!
MEGAN KEYS, ADELPHOIRequest an audio ad from our Creative Services
This should help give you a better idea of how you too can leverage our platform
Campaign for the 2020 Census
HIV Prevention Campaign
Naloxone Can Save a Life Campaign
And turn streaming listeners into tomorrow's next supporters and
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