How does campaign scheduling work?

You can set the dates and times you want your campaign to automatically start and finish. You can also edit these later before you campaign has completed.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • you can schedule your campaign to start at a later date or you can choose for it to start immediately
  • in the USA and Canada the default time zone for all campaigns scheduled is US/Central time, please account for this when defining you campaign flight time and make adjustments accordingly
  • to select the precise timing your ads will run, you can enable hourly scheduling - which takes into account each listener's time zone, please bear in mind that this could affect your overall reach 
  • the minimum interval a campaign run for is 24 hours, while the maximum is 180 days. If you need your campaigns to extend past 180 days, we recommend creating subsequent campaigns, which you can easily do by using AudioGO's duplicate campaign feature

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