Where will my campaigns run in the US?

Currently, our streaming publisher partners include PandoraiHeartRadioTuneIn, Sonos, SoundCloud, CumulusCox Media Group, Univision, SBS, and Entravision. As well as top podcast publishers, including SiriusXM Podcast Network, Stitcher, Team Coco, NBC, OWN, FreakonomicsBarstool Sports, PodcastOne, DailyWire, Sony Music, Discovery+, Washington Post, New York Times and new partners are being added regularly. For an updated list of publishers please visit our publisher directory page.

The distribution of your ads will vary on the targeting criteria you set. For example, if you select music genre targeting, most of your impressions will run on Pandora as they specialize in music streaming. If you're creating podcast ad campaigns, your ad will go exclusively to podcast content publishers.

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