How to use display banners with your audio ads

Digital radio and music streaming listeners consume their content while being online on their favorite device. Whether it's a mobile phone, a tablet or a laptop, the players used to stream the audio content also have the ability to show display banners while the audio ads are playing. This makes it easy for the listener to click on your ad.

You're welcome to upload up to 3 display banners with AudioGO, in the following recommended formats:

  • Square banner (min 300 x 300 pixels)
  • Rectangle banner (min 250 x 300 pixels)
  • Vertical banner (min 300 x 600 pixels)

We also strongly advise using one in each size. This way your banners will appear across all desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

File types accepted:

  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • GIF*

*) Please note that at the moment animated GIF's are not supported.

Maximum dimensions for uploaded images are 6000 by 6000 pixels while not exceeding an image size of 20MB.
Also, please ensure your images are saved as RGB files.
Images saved as CMYK are not optimized for screens and may cause errors.

To keep things simple, you should only make sure that the images you upload meet the above specifications in terms of minimum and / or maximum dimensions and supported formats. Our system will then seamlessly adjust and save your banners to the correct size(s) and format(s).

For more information, be sure to check out how to make your audio ad clickable and and display retargeting.


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