How do I install the AudioGO Pixel?

How do I install the AudioGO Pixel on my website?

The AudioGO Pixel can be placed anywhere in the <body> element of the website’s or app’s HTML code. This step can be done directly in the HTML code, Google Tag Manager or your website's content management system. 

How do I install the AudioGO Pixel using Google Tag Manager?

If you use Google Tag Manager (GTM) to manage your conversion tracking pixels you can also easily setup the AudioGO Pixel in GTM using the following steps:

  1. Log into your Google Tag Manager account.
  2. Select your website's container and click 'Add a new tag.'
  3. Click 'Custom HTML Tag' and enter a name for your tag.
  4. Go to your campaign edit page and click ‘Generate’
  5. Copy the pixel code by selecting 'Copy'
  6. Paste the AudioGO Pixel code in the HTML container in Google Tag Manager.
  7. Click the Advanced Settings dropdown and select 'Once per page' under Tag firing options.
  8. Under Triggering, select 'All Pages.'
  9. Click 'Create Tag and Save.'
  10. Publish your tags.

How do I install the AudioGO Pixel using WordPress?

If your website is setup with WordPress you can easily install the AudioGO Pixel in order to measure conversions by taking the following steps:

  1. Login to your WordPress admin interface (usually found at )
  2. Go to Appearance -> Theme File Editor
  3. Select the Theme Footer (footer.php file)
  4. Add the pixel on all pages of your website, insert the pixel code right before the </body> tag in the file
  5. Click on Update File

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